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Profectum Success!

We just finished the Profectum conference in Pasadena, which was really great in so many ways including a big boost for advocacy for Parent Choice for Evidence Based Practices.

The conference content itself included excellent talks about sensory, motor, and dynamic brain systems, care presentations in multiple settings (school, clinic, camp) of the DIR model with a variety of ages and kinds of challenges of people, and truly moving presentations from young adults, some verbal, some not so verbal, about their lives and their insights.


Our DIRFloortime Coalition of California was vocal. We are up against huge lobbying efforts to prevent families from having the information and options, really from having true informed consent in how they help their children. We desperately need to continue the press of legislative action, and we had hundreds of support letters signed of that effort and we were able to bring in half of the numbers of donors we need for a challenge grant we are hoping to get to help fund our advocacy effort.

Remember that policy and legislative action is about relationships – it is what we do so well – we are always getting to know our legislators, listening to their concerns about health care and education and related issues and educating them about how real evidenced based practice makes for more effective and efficient care because it demands transparency and real options and family choice for better treatment matching and outcomes.

We are always happy to share our experience and expertise with other people in other places and we would be most grateful for help from anyone who can help us sustain our effort and get meet the challenge grant. Please go to and help.

None of this works with our more training and mentoring and we are hopeful to see continued expansion and refinement of training through Profectum and ICDL.

Joshua Feder, M.D. Dr. Feder's Blog

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