Writing, Editing, And Graphic Medicine
Joshua D. Feder, M.D.
Child & Family Psychiatry located in Solana Beach, CA
Dr. Joshua Feder is renown known in his field for his editing of over 200 published articles, books, and scripts for webinars and podcasts. His editorial style is characterized by an eye for practical actionable medical and mental health writing and education, with books that are highly acclaimed and a podcast team that boasts 4 million downloads. Dr Feder’s active participation in the graphic medicine movement is marked by a clear simplicity with characters who tell the stories of their lives with only a few strokes of his drawing pen.
Contact Dr Feder for help with editing, writing and graphic medicine projects
A Dynamic Editorial Framework
Dr Feder’s editorial framework for the Carlat Child Psychiatry report is an evolving tool that is regulalry revised and designed to bring out the best in writers and teachers:
- What’s the problem? What is the lived experience of the patient and family and clinician?
- What have we been doing until now to address this issue, medically, and in our systems of care?
- What’s the new information? TELL ME SOMETHING I DO NOT ALREADY KNOW. Use effect sizes. NNT,NNH when possible
- What are important social and environmental determinants to consider, including COVID, cultural differences, racial disparities, and climate change?
- What can we do differently based on this information? Where do our own treatments fit in (medication, therapy, liaison)? What is the critical importance/relevance to clinical practice with patients and families? Did we provide information that will positively affect clinical practice? What changes can we make in our individual care and then the systems that we work in to better take care of our patients and ourselves, improving outcomes and decreasing burnout?
- Can we develop or improve a treatment algorithm for this problem?
- What is the role for pictures/ graphs to augment the article?
- What is the role of Neuroscience based Nomenclature (NbN) in our conceptualization of our algorithm?
- What is the endpoint for treatment, medication or otherwise? When to discontinue or move to a different level of care?
- What do we tell parents/families about this issue, treatment, etc.?
- How does this article improve systems of care to build a better patient experience/quality of care/safety and combat clinician burnout?
- Bottom line?
- Is the piece concise? Is it conversational?
Scope of topics
Dr Feder's writing and graphic medicine work covers a range of topics and fields:
Child and Family Psychiatry
- depression
- anxiety
- autism
- trauma
- bipolar disorder
- schizophrenia
- substance use disorders
- suicide
- eating disorders
- sleep disorders
- and many more
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Peace Building in Early Childhood Education
Disaster & Trauma Psychiatry
Climate Psychiatry
Examples of Edited Works
- Examples of Recent Books and Volumes
Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America: Refugee Mental Health Care - due out 2024
Foundations for a Peaceful World: The Transformative Power of Early Childhood Education to Promote Peace and Social Cohesion, 2023
Child Medication Fact Book for Psychiatric Practice, Second Edition, 2023
Prescribing Psychotropics, from Drug Interactions to Genetics, 2022
Dhamma and DIR: Buddhist Thought as a Framework for Using Developmental Approaches in Helping People with Challenges in Development and Learning 2017
- Examples of PhD Dissertation Committee and Editorial work in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health:
Osten, B. Video coding assessment of children receiving relationship based developmental intervention. Fielding Graduate University. Dissertation Chair. Nov 2022.
Zecolla, M. Qualitative study of online parent mediated intervention for autism. Fielding Graduate University. Dissertation Chair. Nov 2022.
Bell-Smith, J. Arabic Translation of the Greenspan Social Emotional growth Chart. Fielding Graduate University. Dissertation Research Member. June 2022.
Keating, G Do Children Benefit from Chiropractic Care? Fielding Graduate University. Dissertation Research Member. 2021.
Rosen, S Family Child Care Providers’ Engagement with Professional Development: A Mixed-Methods Study of Providers’ Well-Being and the Impact of Professional Development Fielding Graduate University. Dissertation Research Member. 2021.
Harris, K. A Study Of Empathic Responses In Preschool-Age Children Using A Kind Test Method And Emque Test Scores. Fielding Graduate University. Dissertation Committee Chair. 2021.
Losada, D. - The Journey Of Perinatal Women’s Lived Experience Of Traumatic Birth, Breastfeeding, Caregiving, And Bonding Using Photovoice And The Diary-Interview Method Fielding Graduate University. Dissertation Research Member. 2021
Mossop, M. A Sequential Explanatory Mixed-Methods Study of Caring with Caring: An Evaluation of a Tailored Early Childhood Mental Health Professional Development Program Fielding Graduate University. Dissertation Research Member. 2021.
- Examples of Recent Articles
Moving Beyond ABA: A Positive Development in the Care of Children with Autism- Doximity Article. Feder, J. Doximity online February, 2022.
School Inclusion: What You Need to Know. Feder, J. The Carlat Child Psychiatry Report. January, 2022.
Helping Families Through the COVID-19 Pandemic. Feder, J. The Carlat Child Psychiatry Report. April, 2020
Psychiatric Aspect of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Children and Adolescents. Feder, J. March / April 2019 The Carlat Child Psychiatry Report.
Project ImPACT for Toddlers: Pilot outcomes of a community adaptation of an intervention for autism risk. Stahmer, A., et al. Sage Publishing. Autism 1-16: November 2019
- Examples of Recent Book Chapters
The Mental Health Impact of COVID 19 in Children and Adolescents - due out 2024
The use of medications in Selective Mutism - due out 2025
- Examples of Professional Interviews for Publication:
Dr Jeff Max on the impact of closed head trauma on children and adolescents.
Dr. Julian Ford on the concept of complex trauma and how manage it
Dr. Lee Wachtel on Catatonia including it’s possible relationship to autism
Dr. Micheal Sandbank on the effect size of developmental treatment of autism
- Examples of Webinars
Assessment and treatment of aggression in children and adolescents
Motivational Interviewing of adolescents to address marijuana use
- Examples of Recent Podcasts and Video Productions
Recognizing and Treating Psychosis in Autism Carlat Publishing, the Carlat Psychiatry Podcast, Child Psychiatry Team Podcast August 21, 2023
Bullying Is (Public Service Announcement). Writer and Actor. Drama House Productions. August, 2023.
Aggression in Psychiatric Practice Carlat Psychiatry Webinar May 24, 2023
Recognizing Developmental Trauma Disorder in Children and Adolescents Carlat Publishing, the Carlat Psychiatry Podcast, Child Psychiatry Team Podcast May 15, 2023
Treating Irritability in Autistic Children: Functional and Medication Approaches Carlat Publishing, the Carlat Psychiatry Podcast, Child Psychiatry Team Podcast April 24, 2023
Anxiolytics in Children and Adolescents Carlat Publishing, the Carlat Psychiatry Podcast, Child Psychiatry Team Podcast April 17, 2023
Assessment of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Children and Adolescents Carlat Publishing, the Carlat Psychiatry Podcast, Child Psychiatry Team Podcast March 12, 2023
Autism and Medication: Part 2 Affect Autism Webinar. March, 2023. https://affectautism.com/2023/03/18/medication-2/
Improving Sleep in Children and Adolescents Carlat Publishing, the Carlat Psychiatry Podcast, Child Psychiatry Team Podcast February 19, 2023
Addressing Sensory Processing Challenges Carlat Publishing, the Carlat Psychiatry Podcast, Child Psychiatry Team Podcast February 12, 2023
Readily Available and Easily Abused Over-the-Counter Medications Carlat Publishing, the Carlat Psychiatry Podcast, Child Psychiatry Team Podcast January 2, 2023
Graphic Medicine
- Use of graphic drawings in numerous lectures for
Graduate level child psychiatry and mental health
Presentations to the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Conferences, trainings, and webinars for mental health and autism care
- Books and Graphic Novellas
Love & Potions
KIm, Tearful
Psychiatry and Mental Health - Interprofessional Graphic Medicine - due out in 2025
Graphic Truths, the Making and Unmaking of. Doctor - due out 2024
Moss, M and Feder, J. Before Last Things: An Interview with Marissa Moss and Joshua Feder in Bauer, H., Greenbaum, A., and Lightman, S. (Eds) (2023) Jewish Women in Comics: Bodies and Borders. Syracuse University Press.
ADHD & Learning Challengesmore info
Anxietymore info
Autismmore info
Autism Expert Witnessmore info
Bipolar Disordermore info
Depressionmore info
Disaster and Trauma Response and Preventionmore info
Obsessive Compulsive Disordermore info
Post-Traumatic Stress Disordermore info
Legal and Forensic Servicesmore info
Teaching, Speaking, Tech Consulting and Political Advocacymore info
Writing, Editing, and Graphic Medicinemore info