Teaching, Speaking, Tech Consulting And Political Advocacy
Joshua D. Feder, M.D.
Child & Family Psychiatry located in Solana Beach, CA
Dr Feder is an engaging and award-winning teacher who communicates complex ideas in practical, actionable terms using principles of adult learning that are engaging and often entertaining. Dr Feder employs his skills at the university and medical school level, as a keynote speaker, in highly popular podcasts and webinars, consulting to tech companies, and in legislative and political advocacy.
Scope of topics:
Child and Family Psychiatry
- Depression and related Mood Disorders
- Anxiety Disorders
- Autism
- Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Learning Disorders
- Bipolar Disorder
- Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders
- Substance Use Disorders
- Suicide
- Eating Disorders
- Sleep Disorders
- and many more
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Peace Building in Early Childhood Education
Disaster & Trauma Psychiatry
Climate Psychiatry
Editor in Chief:
Joshua Feder, MD DFAPA, a child and family psychiatrist, serves as Editor in Chief at the Carlat Child Psychiatry Report, a highly respected and well known continuing education publication for physicians and other health care providers which operates free of industry influences. At Carlat, Dr Feder writes and edits, producing books, podcasts, and webinars. Dr Feder is the author of several acclaimed books, including, Prescribing Psychotropics (2022) and The Child Medication Fact Book for Psychiatric Practice, Second Ed. (2023).
Graduate Level Professor:
A mathematician, Navy physician, and child psychiatrist by training, Dr. Feder’s experience includes teaching and research positions related to child and family psychiatry, neurobehavioral medicine, child development, psychopharmacology, research methods and biostatistics, at several universities including the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, University of California at San Diego School of Medicine, San Diego State University, Fielding Graduate University and An Najah National University. Dr Feder has spoken at numerous conferences as a lecturer and keynote speaker. He is highly sought after for his clear and engaging speaking style. Dr Feder’s highly popular podcast team at Carlat publishing had nearly 4 million downloads as of December 2023.
Dr Feder also serves as Programmatic Lead on the Executive Committee of the International Network on Peace Building with Young Children (INPB), a member of the Early Childhood Peace Consortium, developing educational programs for early childhood staff, parents and caregivers that are scalable for use across entire countries.
Technology Consulting:
Dr Feder consults in technology related to supporting social communication and brain theory as well as user-experience roles at companies in the health care, robotics, video game, climate and media industries, including serving as Executive Medical Director at Positive Development, Medical Director at Beyond Imagination robotics, Medical Director in the SymPlay division of Quicksilver Software, Inc., on the Global Advisory Board of Our World Too, and as a consultant and community outreach speaker for Drama House Productions - Inclusion, Disabilities and Autism Is (the only active anti-bullying program currently approved by the State of California).
Policy Advocacy:
In the field of Policy Advocacy Dr. Feder has over 15 years of continuous experience in bipartisan policy development on the Middle East and mental health subject areas at State, Congressional and international levels. Dr. Feder’s work includes program development and policy advocacy related to peace building in regions impacted by armed conflict, with research projects, or support in Northern Ireland, the Balkan region, Ukraine, and the Middle East. During the Trump administration Dr. Feder worked with the White House and the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee on a bipartisan plan to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. In May 2021 Dr. Feder helped produce a joint international statement during the Hamas-Israel conflict calling for cessation of hostilities and attention to the needs of children impacted by the conflict. In the fall of 2023 Dr Feder spoke at a high-level meeting of the 78th United Nations General Assembly, launching his book Foundations for a Peaceful World: The Transformative Power of Early Childhood Education to Promote Peace and Social Cohesion, and with the recent war has worked to develop trauma informed mental health care programs for all children impacted by the conflict.
Here in the US, Dr Feder serves with the American Academy of Child Psychiatry Disaster & Trauma and Autism and Intellectual Disabilities Committees and the Resource Groups on Youth at the Border and Climate Psychiatry, advocating for the development of equitable care for autistic persons and development of disaster response systems nationally and globally. On the State level Dr. Feder has worked for over 15 years on policy advocacy and legislation for equitable care for autistic persons, with the passage of SB946 in 2012 and SB805 in 2023, providing testimony over the years and with continuing work on regulatory aspects of the legislation after passage.
Teaching and Advocacy Awards:
Dr. Feder has received numerous awards for his teaching and advocacy, stretching from the 1996 Teacher of the Year award in the Department of Psychiatry at the National Naval Medical Center for excellence in teaching at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, a 2009 faculty Award from the Interdisciplinary Council on Development and Learning, and a 2023 Faculty Appreciation Award from the Department of Psychology Program in Infant and Early Childhood Development at Fielding Graduate University, as well as certificates of recognition of humanitarian service for his advocacy at the State and National levels from the State of California and the United States House of Representatives.
ADHD & Learning Challengesmore info
Anxietymore info
Autismmore info
Autism Expert Witnessmore info
Bipolar Disordermore info
Depressionmore info
Disaster and Trauma Response and Preventionmore info
Obsessive Compulsive Disordermore info
Post-Traumatic Stress Disordermore info
Legal and Forensic Servicesmore info
Teaching, Speaking, Tech Consulting and Political Advocacymore info
Writing, Editing, and Graphic Medicinemore info