Joshua D. Feder, M.D.
Child & Family Psychiatry located in Solana Beach, CA
More than 3.5 million Americans live with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and the number of diagnoses increases every year by up to 15%. If you live in or around Solana Beach, California, and are concerned that your child shows signs of ASD, contact Joshua D. Feder, M.D., for expert diagnosis and support. Dr. Feder is a board-certified family and child psychiatrist who extensively researches ASD. He has extensive clinical and research experience in well-known behavioral and developmental programs and methodologies that help families and children cope and thrive. Call Dr. Feder today or schedule a consultation online to get the help you and your child need.
Autism Q & A
What is autism?
Despite its growing prevalence, ASD is often misunderstood by the general public. Autism is a spectrum developmental disability that interferes with your ability to interact with others and communicate.
Spectrum means there is a range in symptoms and severity. That means your child’s experience is unique, even when compared to other children with ASD.
What are the signs of autism?
Children usually begin to show signs of ASD in early childhood. Some of the behaviors associated with ASD include:
- Delayed language development
- Repetitive language or movements
- Trouble making eye contact
- Inability to hold a conversation
- Narrow, but intense, interests
- Poor reasoning and planning skills
- Decreased motor skills
- Sensory sensitivities
If you’re concerned about your child’s development and behaviors, the best thing you can do is seek professional assessment and help from a specialist such as Dr. Feder.
How can I help my child with autism?
While your child is unlikely to “grow out” of the condition, clinical evidence shows that the earlier your child is diagnosed, the better outcomes you can expect for your child. That is especially true if you, your family, and your school begin sensitive and appropriate interventions and Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).
Dr. Feder has decades of experience helping families and children with ASD. He researches the condition intensely and is a member of several organizations, such as the Bridge Collaborative, Profectum, and The Interdisciplinary Council on Development and Learning that develop interventions and resources for families.
These resources include the Developmental, Individual Difference, Relationship-based (DIR®) and DIR/Floortime™ models. DIR is a framework for understanding how individuals perceive and interact with the world differently. DIR focuses on the power of relationships and emotional connections as critical to development.
Floortime is an evidence-based interventional approach to promoting development that is helpful for all children, teenagers, and adults, especially those living with ASD. Floortime allows you to interact with your child by observing their interests and emotions, and following their lead to stimulating interaction. This is especially helpful for children with ASD, who when left to their own devices won’t initiate interaction unless they need something.
Through the BRIDGE Collaborative, Dr. Feder has also joined in the development of blended developmental-behavioral approaches such as Project ImPACT for Toddlers, and the SUCCESS program for transition age youth,
Dr. Feder can provide advice and direct you toward training and resources to use these models to connect with your child and promote healthy development. Many educators, especially those who work with special needs children, are familiar with these models and can work with you to provide a consistent, child-focused approach to helping your child thrive.
Contact Dr. Feder today by calling his practice or scheduling a consultation online.
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