Trauma, PTSD And Forensic Services
Joshua D. Feder, M.D.
Child & Family Psychiatry located in Solana Beach, CA
Nearly 70% of Americans experience some type of traumatic event in their lives. Up to 20% of those people develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a direct result of their experience. Joshua D. Feder, M.D., a board-certified psychiatrist practicing in Solana Beach, California, provides expert diagnosis of PTSD, including forensic work for legal cases in which PTSD could play a role. He offers customized treatments and therapy to help you recover from the psychological after-effects of your traumatic experience. Call Dr. Feder today or schedule an appointment online to get the help you need to relieve your symptoms and restore your overall well-being.
Dr Feder also provides psychiatric consultation, record review, psychiatric forensic assessment and reports, depositions and trial testimony as an expert witness on a range of areas related to child and family neuropsychiatric and mentla health issues.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Forensic Services
What is PTSD?
When you experience a traumatic event, such as a serious accident, violent personal assault, rape, combat, or a terrorist act, your memories of that event may become intrusive and disrupt your behaviors and ability to function normally. PTSD causes intense and disturbing thoughts, feelings, and memories long after the trauma ends.
PTSD was originally diagnosed as shell shock or combat fatigue in soldiers during the first and second world wars. Today, Dr. Feder and other mental health professionals know that anyone can develop PTSD.
What are the symptoms of PTSD?
PTSD causes symptoms in four distinct categories: intrusive thoughts, avoidance, negative thoughts and feelings, and arousal.
Intrusive thoughts
Intrusive thoughts are repeated involuntary memories. You may have these thoughts while you’re awake and conscious, during dissociative flashbacks, or as nightmares. Your flashbacks may be so vivid that you feel like you’re repeatedly reliving the experience.
Avoidance behaviors
If you display avoidance symptoms, you go out of your way to stay away from places, people, and situations that trigger your memories and intrusive thoughts. You may try to avoid or suppress your memories and refuse to talk about the event or how you feel about it.
Negative thoughts
Negative thoughts or feelings are distorted beliefs about yourself and others. For example, you may feel negatively about yourself because of the trauma, or have ongoing anger, shame, guilt, or fear. Other examples of negative feelings are decreased interest in previously enjoyed activities and detachment from loved ones.
Heightened arousal
Arousal symptoms include irritability, feeling on edge, or angry outbursts. You may engage in reckless behavior, be easily startled, or suffer from insomnia.
How is PTSD diagnosed?
PTSD is typically diagnosed after you experience a traumatic event and have PTSD symptoms that interrupt your ability to function normally for more than a month. Dr. Feder diagnoses PTSD with a comprehensive assessment and consultation. He interviews you about your experiences and symptoms to develop a thorough understanding of your condition.
How is PTSD treated?
After your initial consultation and diagnosis, Dr. Feder provides a customized treatment plan that may include therapy, stress management techniques, and medication. He tailors your treatment plan to address your specific needs and provides a safe environment to explore your memories, thoughts, and feelings.
If PTSD is disrupting your life, call Dr. Feder or schedule an appointment online today.
What if I need legal help?
Dr. Feder's forensic assessment and testimony is largely related to neurodevelopmental conditions and trauma related conditions for family court, criminal court, disability, educational planning, and related proceedings. His cases have included a class action suit with the East Los Angeles Regional Center securing access to evidence-based care for persons with autism and related developmental challenges; one of the first Laura’s Law cases in California to secure outside oversight for persons with recurrent severe psychiatic illness; one of the first Mental Health Diversion cases in California to offer treatment instead of prison on a series of felony offenses committed due to a severe mental health condition; the first known long term Electroconvulsive Therapy case in San Diego County for life threatening medical illness; and a successful attempted murder defense in New Jersey for a person with developmental disabilities.
Contact Dr. Feder to discuss your legal and forensic child and family psychiatric needs.
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