• Engaging Autism: The Floortime Approach to Helping Children Relate, Communicate and Think by Stanley I. Greenspan, M.D. and Serena Wieder, Ph.D. (2006), PerseusBooks.
• The Child with Special Needs: Encouraging Intellectual and Emotional Growth by Stanley Greenspan, M.D. and Serena Wieder, Ph.D. (1997), Perseus Books
• Visual/Spatial Portals to Thinking, Feeling and Movement: Advancing Competencies and Emotional Development in Children with Learning and Autism Spectrum Disorders by Serena Wieder Ph.D. and Harry Wachs O.D. (Dec 23, 2012)
• The Learning Tree: Overcoming Learning Disabilities from the Ground Up (A Merloyd Lawrence Book) by Stanley I. Greenspan and Nancy Thorndike Greenspan (Aug 3, 2010)
• The First Idea: How Symbols, Language, and Intelligence Evolved from Our Primate Ancestors to Modern Humans by Stanley I. Greenspan and Stuart Shanker (Mar 25, 2009)
• Playground Politics: Understanding the Emotional Life of Your School-Age Child by Stanley I. Greenspan and Jacqueline Salmon (Aug 31, 1994)
• Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health: Core Concepts and Clinical Practice by Brandt, Perry, Seligman, Tronik (Nov 6, 2013)
• Autism Solutions: How to Create a Healthy and Meaningful Life for Your Child by Ricki G. Robinson (Apr 1, 2011)
• The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mindby Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson (Oct 4, 2011)
• The Neurobehavioral and Social-Emotional Development of Infants and Children (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology by Ed Tronick (Jul 31, 2007)
• Children And Babies With Mood Swings by Stanley Greenspan and Ira Glovinsky(Sep 1, 2007)
• The Magic Years: Understanding and Handling the Problems of Early Childhood by Selma H. Fraiberg and T. Berry Brazelton (Dec 9, 1996)
• Autism Spectrum Disorder (revised): The Complete Guide to Understanding Autism by Chantal Sicile-Kira (Jan 7, 2014)
• Thinking in Pictures, Expanded Edition: My Life with Autism by Temple Grandin (2006) Vintage
• The New Social Story Book : Illustrated Edition. by Carol Gray (2000). Future Horizons, Inc.
• The Out of Sync of Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Integration Dysfunction by Carol Stock Kranowitz (1998) Perigee Trade; 1st edition
• The Out-of-Sync Child Has Fun, Revised Edition: Activities for Kids with Sensory Processing Disorder by Carol Stock Kranowitz (2003) Perigee Trade
• Positive Discipline by Jane Nelsen (May 25, 2011)
• The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible... by Greene PhD, Ross W. (Oct 13, 2009)
• Queen Bees and Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends, and the New Realities of Girl... by Rosalind Wiseman (Oct 13, 2009)
• The Art of Happiness, 10th Anniversary Edition: A Handbook for Livingby Dalai Lama (Nov 8, 1999)
• The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun by Gretchen Rubin (Dec 29, 2009)
• Freeing Your Child from Anxiety: Powerful, Practical Solutions to Overcome Your Child’s Fears, Worries, and Phobias by Tamar Chansky (Nov 19, 2008)